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She inspired me !
Wednesday 28 December 2011 | 0 comment(s)

Heyyy guyss. How are you todayy ? Okayy, i would like to share with u all about someone that i just adore in this afternoon. Yeahh, aku baru tahu yg dya OHSEMMM. Let's check her out .

Dem, i really love this pic bcos the guitar looks really great !

Cukop2 la tuhh. Kalo buleh, aku nak boh suma pic yuna yg ada lam google image uh. Wahahaha. 

Ohh guyss, you know what? Dulu aku takk suka yuna! Siyesssly! Tapi takk la smpai benci sgt2. Aku just takk suka lagu dya. Sbb, for me, takk bes pon. BUT ................... when i saw this vid, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WsHx7VXZQd0&feature=share in someone's profile, and aku pon saja2 tgk, and guess what? Aku tros jatuh cinta! Err, jatoh cinta with yuna and the song, bukan dgn owner of the profile tuu. -,- 

Okayy, back to the topic. Yeahh, aku jatoh cinta dgn lagu tuu and yuna. The video clip is really ohsemmm. Gila sweet and bess gilaaa. And then, nak dijadikan crita, aku sesaja bukak this video, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ECT_RjI9pc&feature=related sbb aku tgk ada yuna and his bf, Qi. Aku takk penah tao pon pasal ' Yuna Inspired ' show nie. Then, bila aku tgk, aku jadi tertarik. So, aku follow la show nie dari episod 1. And now, aku dah tgk episod 20. And will be going to finish all the episodes. Ofcos! This show is about Yuna, her frens, her life. All about her life. Her life is really ohsem. Lots of great frens and many more. And bnda yg paling buat aku tertarik, ofcos laa sbb dya pndai maen gitar! 

I really love seeing people playing guitar, and i wish i can play it like them too, but i can't. :(  Jeles btol tgk org pandai main gitar. Huh. 

Okayy, back to the topic. Haha. Ohyaaa, aku suka fashion style dya!! Dulu, bg aku, her fashion style is, err, UGLY. Haha. Tapi, bila direnungkan balek, and aku ushar2 her pictures, her style in the videos, and i came out with one word ---> OHSEMMMM . Her style is really ohsemmm. Aku tak tao nak describe with what word. I really really really love her style. Sometimes it is simple, but still looks nice to me. 

Lagi ....... i really love her english songs. The lyrics has its own meaning. Aku nie pulak jenis yg melayan jiwang, bila aku dgar satu lagu tu, aku mesti akan tgk lirik dya, n that makes me interest with the song. Yuna's songs becomes more interesting with the melodies. Macam lagu Memo tuu, the melodies is really great. Tambah pulak dgn lyrics tuu + video clip yg sweet and menarik, perhhhhh! Terbaekk kot! :D

Err, mcm pnjg sgt pulakk entry aku nie kan. Nak crita pasai yuna ja pon. Takk pa, yg penting, i really adore her now. Let bygone be bygone okayy. Dulu mmg aku takk minat, tapi skrg minat! Yeahh.

Daddy, plis buy me a guitar and then you can teach me how to play it :D

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